FunMedDev Medical Doctors International Scientific Society
The training is reserved for doctors only !
A / Registration for Two-Year Certification in Functional Medicine (fee: 2,500£ per year)
B / Includes Yearly Memberships* for FMDISS and for British Society for Ecological Medicine (BSEM)
C / Training 2 years - Duration 130 hours:
° Basic Course through Web Training**
° Classroom Events***
° Prioority access to the practical training days****
° Shadowing
° Clinical Training
° Data & Know-How Sharing
D / Certified Practitioner at the End of each year:
FIRST YEAR (65 hours)
1/ Training (45 hours)
1a/ Basic Course through Web Training
Module 1:
* Introduction to Nutritional and Environmental Medicine
* Vitamin C and antioxidants
* Nutritional biochemistry
* Gastrointestinal conditions
* Allergies and the Immune System
* Mental health
* Metabolic conditions; including diabetes and CVD
* Modelling a 'low-stress' diet
Module 2:
* Children's health
* Women’s health
* Cancer
* Environmental toxins; heavy metals, mould, electromagnetic fields & electrical hypersensitivity
* HPA axis dysfunction
* Epigenetics & nutrigenomics
* Oral Health
* The safe integration of NEM into practice
1b/ Classroom Events @ British Society for Ecological Medicine
Training Day 1 - Gastroenterology - "Spotlight on the Gut"
Training Day 2 - Immunology - "Spotlight on Allergies"
Training Day 3 - Immunology II - "Spotlight on Chronic Infections"
Training Day 4 - Neurology - "Spotlight on Neuroinflammatory Diseases"
Training Day 5 - Environmental Medicine - "Spotlight on Toxicity"
Training Day 6 - Endocrinology - "Spotlight on Hormones"
Training Day 7 - "Spotlight on Inflammation"
2/ Shadowing (20 hours) @ FunMedDev Centres (Queen Anne Street Medical Centre (QASMC) - Veroux Centre (VXFMD) - Brussels Centre (MIMOSA) - Paris Centre (CMAAP) - Marseille Centre (ALMY))
Clinical Cases with Dr Georges MOUTON and his Colleagues
3/ Receiving 52 "4S" (StudiouS SundayS - 4S - Weekly Emails)
4S1 - Holo-transcobalamin
4S2 - Vitamin K2
4S3 - ApoE4 Allele 1
4S4 - Nrf2 Factor
4S5 - Anthocyanins
4S6 - Gut-Brain Axis
4S7 - Oxalate Issues
4S8 - Food Antioxidants
4S9 - Selenium
4S10 - OGG1 Polymorphism
4S11 - Sirtuin 3
4S12 - NQO1 Polymorphism
4S13 - Fatty Acids 1
4S14 - Fatty Acids 2
4S15 - Fructose 1
4S16 - Fructose 2
4S17 - FUT2 Polymorphism
4S18 - Berberine 1
4S19 - LCT Polymorphism
4S20 - Paracetamol
4S21 - Benfotiamine
4S22 - Oily Fish
4S23 - Oxidized LDL 1
4S24 - Lycopene
4S25 - Astaxanthin
4S26 - Beta-cryptoxanthin
4S27 - Migrating Motor Complex
4S28 - Theanine
4S29 - GABA
4S30 - Diindolylmethane
4S31 - Zonulin
4S32 - Ashwagandha
4S33 - Rhodiola
4S34 - 8-OH-dG
4S35 - NDT Treatment
4S36 - Guggul
4S37 - Myeloperoxidase
4S38 - Curcumin
4S39 - Tribulus
4S40 - Calcium-D-glucarate
4S41 - HMB
4S42 - Allicin
4S43 - Reverse T3
4S44 - Lipoic Acid
4S45 - Quercetin
4S46 - Honokiol
4S47 - Gamma-GT
4S48 - ApoE4 Allele 2
4S49 - Low IgA
4S50 - Coffee
4S51 - LPS-BP
4S52 - Resveratrol
4/ Receiving 10 Dr MOUTON Lectures (4,000 Slides in Total)
- Adrenals | (202 slides) |
- Thyroid Function | (737 slides) |
- Cognitive Dysfunction | (192 slides) |
- G.I. Ecology 1 | (473 slides) |
- G.I. Ecology 2 | (535 slides) |
- G.I. Ecology 3 | (325 slides) |
- G.I. Ecology 4 | (749 slides) |
- Liver Detox | (376 slides) |
- Cœliac Disease | (334 slides) |
- Fructose Damage | (77 slides) |
5/ Accessing 10 Reference Textbooks (Digital Consultation through DropBox)
6/ 3 Peer-Group Meetings @ Queen Anne Street Medical Centre (QASMC)
10.04.24 | CLINIC CASES | Dr Georges MOUTON |
SECOND YEAR (65 hours)
1/ Shadowing (40 hours)
Clinical Cases with Dr Georges MOUTON and his Colleagues
Emphasis on Functional Biology
2/ Live Classroom Events (25 hours) @ BSEM Hallam Street Conference Centre
- Training Day 4 TBD
- Training Day 5 TBD
- Training Day 6 TBD
3/ 3 Peer-Group Meetings
4/ Additional Learning Modules (from mp3 files + slides)
- Reversing Obesity & Type II Diabetes: Failing with Diet, Succeeding with Fasting- Systems Medicine: Bridging the Gap between Science & Clinical Practice
- Putting Oral Health at the Heart of Medicine
- Hypoglycaemia - SCFAs in Appetite and Weight Regulation
- Sugar, the Brain, the Microbiome, and Cancer- Electromagnetic Radiation and Health - Evidence, Diagnosis, and Management
* Starting from the day they get access to the platform.
** Trainees who still don't manage to finish the course within that yera, can of course get an extension for another 3 months, for wich there is a charge of £100.
*** Practical training days and workshops are not included in the price of the course
**** Let me know your presence in time, I will reserve your place (please send to We can provide in MP4 version the Classrooms Events.