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- 2017.04 - D. Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Insulin Resistance - New Insights and Potential New Treatments.pdf
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- 2017.10 - H. Beta-Cryptoxanthin exerts greater cardioprotective effects on cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury than astaxanthin by attenuating mitochondrial dysfunction in mice.pdf
1Borage Seed Oil
7Coenzyme Q10
2Evening Primrose Oil
4Flax Seed Oil
- 2015.04 - A. Flaxseed - A potential functional food source.pdf
- 2016.03 - B. Effect of Flaxseed Intervention on Inflammatory Marker C-Reactive Protein - A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysisof Randomized Controlled Trials.pdf
- 2018.04 - C. The Effects of Flaxseed Oil Omega-3 Fatty Acids Supplementation on Metabolic Status of Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome - A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial.pdf
- 2019.01 - D. A systematic review and meta-analysis of clinicaltrials investigating the effects of flaxseed supplementation onplasma C-reactive protein concentrations.pdf
- 2013.11 - A. The Human Milk Metabolome Reveals Diverse Oligosaccharide Profiles.pdf
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- 2016.10 - C. The human milk oligosaccharide 2'-fucosyllactose attenuates the severity of experimental necrotising enterocolitis by enhancing mesenteric perfusion in the neonatal intestine.pdf
- 2017.04 - D. FUT2-dependent breast milk oligosaccharides and allergy at 2 and 5 years of age in infants with high hereditary allergy risk.pdf
- 2019.07 - E. Immunomodulatory and Prebiotic Effects of 2'-Fucosyllactose in Suckling Rats.pdf
- 2017.03 - A. Multifarious Beneficial Effect of Nonessential Amino Acid, Glycine - A Review.pdf
- 2018.04 - B. Dietary Glycine Is Rate-Limiting for Glutathione Synthesis and May Have Broad Potential for Health Protection.pdf
- 2019.06 - C. Glycine Metabolism and Its Alterations in Obesityand Metabolic Diseases.pdf
2Hemp Seed Oil
- 2015.07 - A. Usefulness of Î’-hydroxy-Î’-methylbutyrate (HMB) Supplementation in Different Sports - An Update and Practical Implication.pdf
- 2015.09 - B. Effect of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate supplementation on muscle loss in older adults - A systematic review and meta-analysis.pdf
- 2018.01 - C. Role of Oral Nutritional Supplements Enriched with β-Hydroxy-β-Methylbutyrate in Maintaining Muscle Function and Improving Clinical Outcomes in Various Clinical Settings.pdf
- 2018.04 - D. The Effects of Beta-Hydroxy-Beta-Methylbutyrate Supplementation on Recovery Following Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage - A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.pdf
- 2018.05 - E. Is β-hydroxy β-methylbutyrate an effective anabolic agent to improve outcome in older diseased populations.pdf
- 2018.07 - F. Pre-exercise β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate free-acid supplementation improves work capacity recovery - A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study.pdf
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- 2017.04 - B. Efficacy and Safety of L-Carnitine Treatment for Chronic Heart Failure - A Meta-Analysis of Randomized ControlledTrials.pdf
- 2017.05 - C. L-Carnitine and Acetyl-L-carnitine Roles and Neuroprotection in Developing Brain.pdf
- 2017.08 - D. Significance of L-Carnitine for Human Health.pdf
- 2018.01 - E. Role of L-carnitine in female infertility.pdf
- 2018.03 - F. L-Carnitine Supplementation in Recovery after Exercise.pdf
8Lipoic Acid
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- 2015.12 - H. α-Lipoic acid as a triglyceride-lowering nutraceutical.pdf
- 2017.11 - A. Biochemical and clinical relevance of alpha lipoic acid - Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity, molecular pathways and therapeutic potential.pdf
- 2018.06 - B. The Beneficial Effects of α-Lipoic Acid in Critically Ill Patients - A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial.pdf
- 2018.08 - C. A Case for Alpha-Lipoic Acid as an Alternative Treatment for Diabetic Polyneuropathy.pdf
- 2018.09 - D. Alpha-lipoic acid preserves skeletal muscle mass in type 2 diabetic OLETF rats.pdf
- 2018.10 - E. The effects of alpha-lipoic acid supplementation on glucose control and lipid profiles among patients with metabolic diseases- A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.pdf
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- 2001.08 - Crohn disease.png
- 2010.06 - Small intestine antioxidant.png
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- 2016.08 - C. Protective effect of lycopene on high-fat diet-induced cognitive impairment in rats.pdf
- 2016.09 - ulcerative colitis.png
- 2017.12 - D. Increased dietary and circulating lycopene are associated with reduced prostate cancer risk - A systematic review and meta-analysis.pdf
- 2018.04 - E. Can lycopene be considered an effective protection against cardiovascular disease.pdf
- 2013.11 -A. Manganese in Health and Disease.pdf
- 2018.04 - B. The Essential Element Manganese, Oxidative Stress, and Metabolic Diseases - Links and Interactions.pdf
- 2019.01 - C. Manganese - Its Role in Disease and Health.pdf
- 2019.09 - D. The role of zinc, copper, manganese and iron in neurodegenerative diseases.pdf
- 2019.10 - E. New Insights on the Role of Manganese in Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease.pdf
- 2013.12 - A. Dietary pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) alters indicators of inflammation and mitochondrial-related metabolism in human subjects.pdf
- 2017.04 - B. Early PQQ supplementation has persistent long-term protective effects on developmental programming of hepatic lipotoxicity and inflammation in obese mice.pdf
- 2019.09 - C. PQQ ameliorates skeletal muscle atrophy, mitophagy and fiber type transition induced by denervation via inhibition of the inflammatory signaling pathways.pdf
- 2019.12 - D. Effects of Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ) Supplementation on Aerobic Exercise Performance and Indices of Mitochondrial Biogenesis in Untrained Men.pdf
5Pregnenolone DHEA
1Protein Shake
- 0 A. Selenium and human health
- 1 Autoimmune Thyroiditis.png
- 1 B Selenium.pdf
- 2 Autoimmune Thyroiditis.png
- 3 Autoimmune Thyroiditis.png
- 3 autoimmune thyroiditis.png
- 4 Autoimmune Thyroiditis.png
- 4 autoimmune thyroiditis.png
- 5 Autoimmune Thyroiditis.png
- 6 Autoimmune Thyroiditis.png
- 6 autoimmune thyroiditis.png
- 7 Autoimmune Thyroiditis.png
- 7 autoimmune thyroiditis.png
- 8 Autoimmune Thyroiditis.png
- 8 autoimmune thyroiditis.png
- 9 Autoimmune Thyroiditis.png
- 9 autoimmune thyroiditis.png
- 10 Autoimmune Thyroiditis.png
- 10 autoimmune thyroiditis.png
- 11 Autoimmune Thyroiditis.png
- 11 autoimmune thyroiditis.png
- 12 Autoimmune Thyroiditis.png
- 12 autoimmune thyroiditis.png
- 13 Autoimmune Thyroiditis.png
- 13 autoimmune thyroiditis.png
- 14 Inflammatory Bowel Disease.png
- 14 autoimmune thyroiditis.png
- 15 Inflammatory Bowel Disease.png
- 16 Inflammatory Bowel Disease.png
- 17 Inflammatory Bowel Disease.png
- 18 Inflammatory Bowel Disease.png
- 19 Inflammatory Bowel Disease.png
- 20 Crohn's Disease.png
- 21 Crohn's Disease.png
- 23 autoimmune thyroiditis.png
- 24 autoimmune thyroiditis.png
- 27 inflammatory bowel disease.png
- 28 inflammatory bowel disease.png
- 29 inflammatory bowel disease.png
- 30 inflammatory bowel disease.png
- 31 inflammatory bowel disease IDEM35.png
- 32 Crohn's disease.png
- 33 Crohn's disease.png
- 34 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.png
- 35 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.png
- 36 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.png
- 2003.05 - A2. Characterization of Mammalian Selenoproteomes.pdf
- 2012.03 - A1. Selenium and human health.pdf
- 2012.03 - B2. Selenium and Human Health.pdf
- 2015.04 - B1. Selenium - An element for life.pdf
- 2015.05 - C. Selenium and Chronic Diseases - A Nutritional Genomics Perspective.pdf
- 2016.12 - D. Dietary Selenium and Human Health.pdf
- 2017.06 - F. Myo-inositol plus selenium supplementation restores euthyroid state in Hashimoto’s patients with subclinical hypothyroidism.pdf
- 2019.06 - E. Selenium supplementation in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism affected by autoimmune thyroiditis - Resultsof the SETI study.pdf
- 2007.03 - A. Silicon and bone health.pdf
- 2013.04 - B. Silicon - A Review of Its Potential Role in the Prevention and Treatment of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis.pdf
- 2014.11 - C. A review of the effects of dietary silicon intakeon bone homeostasis and regeneration.pdf
- 2016.05 - D. Use of silicon for skin and hair care - An approach of chemical forms available and efficacy.pdf
7Stearidonic Acid
- 2007.01 - A. Echium - A Source of Stearidonic Acid Adapted to the Northern Great Plains in the US.pdf
- 2008.07 - B. Echium oil - A valuable source of n-3 and n-6 fatty acids.pdf
- 2012.02 - C. Stearidonic acid as a pro-eicosapentaenoic acid.pdf
- 2013.02 - D. Stearidonic acid as a supplemental source of ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids to enhance status for improved human health.pdf
- 2013.05 - E. Dietary omega-3 PUFA and health - Stearidonic acid-containing seed oils as effective and sustainable alternativesto traditional marine oils.pdf
- 2016.01 - F. Consumption of Buglossoides arvensis seed oil is safe and increases tissue long-chain n-3 fatty acid content morethan flax seed oil.pdf
- 2017.09 - G. Unravelling a stearidonic acid- rich triacylglycerol biosynthetic pathway in the developing seeds of Buglossoidesarvensis.pdf
13Vitamin A
- 0 thyroid.png
- 1 thyroid.png
- 2 immunomodulation.png
- 3 immunomodulation.png
- 4 immunomodulation.png
- 5 autoimmune thyroiditis.png
- 12 inflammatory bowel disease IDEM26.png
- 13 inflammatory bowel disease.png
- 14 immunomodulation.png
- 24 Crohn's disease.png
- 25 Crohn's disease.png
- 26 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.png
- 27 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.png
12Vitamin B
4Vitamin B1
7Vitamin B12
9Vitamin B2
- 1 Iron Absorption.png
- 2 Iron Absorption.png
- 3 Iron Absorption.png
- 4 Immunity.png
- 5 Antioxidant.png
- 6 Intestinal Health.png
- 7 Intestinal Health.png
- 2020.04 - A. Impact of the MTHFR C677T polymorphism on one-carbon metabolites - Evidence from a randomised trial of riboflavinsupplementation.pdf
- 2020.04 - B. Riboflavin supplementation alters global and gene-specific DNA methylation in adults with the MTHFR 677 TT genotype.pdf
3Vitamin B3
2Vitamin B5
1Vitamin B6
3Vitamin B8
2Vitamin B9
4Vitamin C
- 2014.01 - A. Vitamin C.pdf
- 2016.09 - B. Vitamin C Status and Cognitive Function - A Systematic Review.pdf
- 2017.05 - C. Emerging Evidence on Neutrophil Motility Supporting Its Usefulness to Define Vitamin C Intake Requirements.pdf
- 2017.09 - D. Vitamin C Status and Cognitive Function - A Systematic Review.pdf
19Vitamin D
- 0 autoimmune thyroiditis.png
- 2 autoimmune thyroiditis.png
- 3 autoimmune thyroiditis.png
- 4 autoimmune thyroiditis.png
- 6 autoimmune thyroiditis.png
- 10 ulcerative colitis.png
- 11 ulcerative colitis
- 12 ulcerative colitis.png
- 13 inflammatory bowel disease.png
- 14 inflammatory bowel disease.png
- 15 inflammatory bowel disease.png
- 16 UC
- 26 UC
- 27 UC relapse.png
- 33 Crohn's disease.png
- 34 Crohn's disease.png
- 35 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.png
- 36 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.png
- 37 Autoimmune diseases.png
6Vitamin E
16Vitamin K
- 1 Immunomodulation.png
- 2 Cognition.png
- 3 Crohn's Disease.png
- 4 Crohn's Disease.png
- 5 Anti-inflammatory.png
- 6 Anti-inflammatory.png
- 7 Inflammatory Bowel Disease.png
- 8 Inflammatory Bowel Disease.png
- 9 Inflammatory Bowel Disease.png
- 10 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.png
- 11 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.png
- 12 Inflammatory Bowel Disease.png
- 2001.12 - C. Vitamin K administration to elderly patients withosteoporosis induces no hemostatic activation, even in those with suspected vitamin K deficiency.pdf
- 2011.09 - A. Safety and toxicological evaluation of a synthetic vitamin K2, menaquinone-7.pdf
- 2017.06 - D. Vitamins K1 and K2 - The Emerging Group of Vitamins Required for Human Health.pdf
- 2017.07 - B. US Pharmacopeial Convention safety evaluation of menaquinone-7, a form of vitamin K.pdf
- 1 thyroid.png
- 4 fatigue.png
- 5 lethargy.png
- 7 thyroid.png
- 8 thyroid hormone receptor.png
- 9 hair loss.png
- 10 hair loss.png
- 11 hair loss.png
- 12 hair loss IDEM11.png
- 13 inflammatory bowel disease.png
- 14 inflammatory bowel disease
- 15 inflammatory bowel disease.png
- 16 IBD
- 17 intestinal barrier function.png
- 18 intestinal barrier function.png
- 19 intestinal barrier function.png
- 25 Crohn's disease.png
- 26 Crohn's disease.png
- 27 Crohn's disease.png
- 28 Crohn's disease.png
- 29 Inflammatory bowel Diseases.png
- 30 Inflammatory bowel Diseases.png